Helena Barbagelata @Gallery118

Helena Barbagelata
2 min readJan 30, 2021

Very happy to have my work #Nitstsah, exhibited at

Gallery 118

. “RE:INVENT” is a juried exhibition themed around change, renovation and revival.

To invent means to find, discover, or devise. A re-invention is a #Rediscovery, a process of change, an opportunity to create anew and makeover. The profound events that we are all facing and that affect us individually and collectively can prompt us into reflection and change. Times of crisis can prove to be exceptionally valuable since they help us recognize the cracks in the organizational structures we define as our systems, be it political, economical, social or personal. They reveal our weakest points, the aspects that fell through and were undealt with or (un)intentionally neglected or ignored. Has the current layout worked for us? Or is it coming apart at the seams once again? Renovation does not mean we need to cast out the past and exchange it for something completely new — after all, every newly born thing is always built upon the rudiments of what already exists. In fact, perhaps we need to take a good look at the past, understand it, learn from it, fully integrate it and recognize each piece of that body; the parts that work, the parts that no longer serve us, and from there lay a different groundwork.

#Reinvention can be about implementing fresh ideas, being curious, taking risks on different outlooks, creating room for growth as it can be about doing something redundantly and wastefully. Historically we kept on reinventing the wheel, even though there have always been innumerable other options available to us — some of them have never even been implemented or fully carried through. How many times must our social organism collapse for us to eventually realize that it is not based upon a good premise? Will we choose to keep on remaking and bringing back the same outdated formulas into use? When will we understand that a change of narrative is imperative?

What kind of reinvention would you like to bring forth, in your own life, in the world?

You can visit the virtual catalogue for the exhibition here:


#Nitstsah, 2020 (watercolor on canvas, 90x60 cm)

© Helena Barbagelata 2021

#Gallery118 #Nitstsah #Reinvention

